Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Rig

We got this adorable used four wheeler for Luke the other week. We thought it was broken, but Drew got it working today. Obviously Luke is a little young yet, but I couldn't pass up such a good deal! At least it's fun to take pictures in, right? As you can tell, Roxie just loves it...

Last Military Ball

Back in September, we had Drew's last military ball. If you didn't know, Drew is leaving the Army in January. Well, we finally pulled the pictures off Drew's camera (long story), so here you go...

At all the balls they have a grog ceremony and the end result is a disgusting mix of every alcohol imaginable, plus other disgusting things. This actually had a little bit of gunpowder and horse poop in it. Drink up!

The spur ceremony. Since Drew is in the Cavalry, they get to wear spurs with their uniforms! A lot of the guys were finally getting their spurs that night.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Trip to the farm

Yesterday we went to the cutest little farm. They have a pumpkin/fall event every year. Luke got to pick out a pumpkin, pet all kinds of animals, play in the corn tub, go on a pony ride, ride a train, and just run around. It was a little chilly, but fun!


We recently got Luke some Legos and he loves them! He loves to climb in the box and play away.


Luke has recently been sleeping with his little legs through the slats on his crib.

Luke's pants got pulled up way high and he looked like such a little old man. Man, the things we find humorous these days...

My two guys hanging out...

Drew and I went on a little vacation at the end of September. He was on block leave so we decided to go away for a few days. We went to Playa del Carmen, Mexico for four nights and had a blast. Here are a few pictures of our stay...
Our very inexpensive, but very awesome room at Hacienda Paradise...
The beautiful immaculate beach...
We definitely had to make calls back home to check on our little buddy. Drew's parents were awesome enough to come stay with him for a few days. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa! Luke had so much fun. We'll have to post some pictures later of all the fun they had!
This is how we looked the whole trip: sweaty and a little sunburned...
Having our last breakfast at the cutest little place...
One last walk on the beach before we left...
Silly side story. We ventured a few blocks and went to the local Wal-Mart. It was a lot like those here with just a few differences. For some reason I didn't take a picture, but the bakery was amazing. You grabbed a pizza pan and a pair of tongs and then just walked among aisles of fresh-baked breads and pastries. We bought like 7 or 8 things and it was less than two bucks!
They also had a huge help-yourself warmer of these. HUGE pork rinds. We didn't try any of these though.


Just a few things for August...
Luke had a lot of fun at my company picnic with two of the cutest kids, Evan and Reese.
This quickly turned into a constant battle to keep the tv on...

Luke LOVES the rockbed that's beside our deck...

Not much happened in August other than Drew coming home. Here are a few pictures I don't think are on the previous post...

Drew's the tall one with the black hat on...